Friday, September 23, 2011

Bare Naked Trees

The difference between hoop trees and standard trees has been discussed here quite a bit, but I finally have a bare hoop tree (pulled from a saddle that was the victim of a most bizarre accident, which I will chronicle in the future).  So I thought I'd take some photos so you can really see the difference between the two.  Keep in mind that the hoop tree is an XW, and the standard tree is roughly a medium, so the difference in width is quite dramatic, but I think you'll also be able to see the difference in breadth across the top of the pommel arch as well.

First, here's a standard tree:

And here's the hoop tree:

Now, here's the standard tree stacked on top of the hoop tree:

It's pretty obvious, isn't it?  The standard tree is shaped more like a peak roof or a pup tent:

And would be more suitable for a back like this:

Whereas the hoop tree is more like a dome tent:

Or a quonset hut:

And does a great job of fitting a back like this:


  1. Nice horse back and tree comparison. My horse is definitely of the tent variety, but we do have a couple horses that would benefit from a hoop tree.

  2. Kitt, as always great post, especially enjoyed the comparison pictures as well. We can also offer trees of both varieties but for either flat or scooped backs - so perhaps you can find some more pictures of tents with rain puddles on the top!!

  3. I love the pictures. Makes it pretty obvious!

  4. This is an extremely helpful post so thank you! The pictures of the tree vs horse were especially helpful

  5. Ok, I have a question... What if my horse has a very round back overall, and requires a rather obtuse tree-point angle (100 degrees+), but still has average height withers? Do I go with a standard tree or a hoop tree? Or perhaps something else that I won't find off the rack or in my price range? Finding a saddle that has the proper tree point angle for my mare and clears her withers at the same time has been an ongoing quest for over two years now and I'm starting to lose hope! :/

  6. Thanks, all - glad you found the post helpful. Crayonsmom, without seeing your horse (or tracings and photos), it's tough to make a call on which tree would be best. There are trees out there to accommodate both the flatter and the dippier/more withery broadbacks; and sometimes a modified panel can be a help, too. You may be able to find something used or perhaps off-the-rack new, or you might have to go with a bench-made saddle (many of which won't cost you more than an off-the-rack model). I'd be happy to take a look if you want to send a template.

  7. Thanks for posting the one on top of the other. I just read up on them on the Trumbull Mt website and it made everything as clear as...mud. I am currently riding treeless but I am not 100% happy with the fit, and the post showing the thermal image has me more than a little concerned. I am fairly sure that my horse will require a hoop tree because of her shoulder shape and size, the whole reason I went treeless to begin with.
