Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The First Year

Well, I'm pleased to report that Panther Run Saddlery has finished its first year in pretty damn good trim.  In spite of a few nay-sayers, and a few who did their best to throw a monkey wrench into the gears (as Ma used to say), things have gone far more smoothly than I expected, and I have a viable business on my hands.  This is thanks to a huge amount of support from some pretty amazing people:  friends and family, colleagues and fellow fitters, my Constant Readers, saddle companies, and - especially - my customers.  You all have kept me focused and moving in the right direction, and you've proved that continuing to do business "The Edie Way" is the right path to follow.  "Thank you" seems inadequate, but it's all I can say.

So here's wishing you all the peace that this season is supposed to bring, joyful holidays (whatever you celebrate), and hoping your New Year is as good as 2013 was for me.  Looking forward to an even better and busier 2014. Onward and upward!


  1. that's good news. congratulations

  2. Congrads!! Here's to looking for forward to a positive and prosperous 2014! :)

  3. Congrads! Here's to a positive and prosperous 2014! :)
