Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'm Gonna Be in The Chronicle of the Horse!!

Well, this is just too dang cool! About a year or so ago, Sara Leiser, a reporter from The Chronicle of the Horse, contacted me about giving her some input on a tack cleaning article she was doing. I was (and still am) floored that someone on the Chronicle's staff even knew I existed, and terribly flattered that I was considered knowledgeable enough to rate as a source of information, particularly when Sara mentioned some of the other folks who were also contributing. Sara and I had a lovely chat on the phone, and the article was supposed to have been published in a couple months.

But the magazine business being what it is, bigger stories came up, and the article never appeared; I sort of forgot about it. (Ok, ok - I didn't really forget, but I did stop mugging the mail man for my most recent copy of the magazine, and no longer feverishly scanned the table of contents for the article.) Then yesterday, I got an e-mail from Sara, saying that her editor had decided the time was right to run the article - which (in case you hadn't already grasped this fact) I thought was very cool. So I guess it's back to laying in wait for the mail man ...

Also wanted to give a shout to two other folks who are gracing the pages of the most recent issue of the Chronicle: Patti Hopkins and Claudia Romeo, (respectively) Huntsman and Whip for the Old Chatham Hunt in Chatham, NY. Patti and Claudia are longtime customers of yours truly. Seeing their photo was a wonderful surprise.

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