Friday, January 22, 2010


"Courage isn't the absence of fear.  It's being scared, but going on anyway."  -  Anon.

I ran into this blog post early this morning on Facebook.  The link was posted by my favorite author, Charles de Lint.  I read it, and wound up crying in my oatmeal.  Literally.

As horsepeople, we're no strangers to courage.  It's what it takes to get back in the saddle after a bad fall (particularly for us old creaky types), and sometimes it's what keeps us there; it's what our horse show when they find that last bit to give us when we think they're tapped out.  But whatever scary thing I've faced in the horse world is really nothing compared to what this woman has overcome.  She has a yard of guts, and her words should be heard.  She speaks for so many.  Please read this, and pass it along:

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