Thursday, November 4, 2010

Quelle Belle Surprise!

A few days ago, I received an e-mail from a young French blogger/dressage rider named Eugénie, asking if she could translate one of my blog posts into French.  According to her, saddle fitting is something that's "almost unknown in France", and she was hoping to raise awareness, at least among her readership.  I was very flattered - I mean, to me, having people actually want to read my blog is very, very gratifying; so to find that someone wants to go to the effort of translating it into another language is high praise indeed.  I've been visiting Eugénie's blog and having a great time reading through it with the aid of my rudimentary French and a lot of help from Google Translations.  So for those of you who speak the language (or who'd like to get a taste of Eugénie's very personable writing), stop by and take a look:!


  1. Many thanks for all the precious informations your blog has given me (and I'm not the only one here to read it!) and for mentionning my blog here!

    There, I go back to my reading!

  2. Congratulations!! You're international. I can totally see why they are interested in using your blog to raise awareness. It is really hard to find a good saddle fitter and near impossible to find one who is as universal as you. Biggest point of yours I love is that it is not the brand that should make you buy a saddle, but the Fit! and of course quality of build. Keep it up!!

  3. Congratulations, your blog IS very interesting! I passed your blog link to a friend of mine, she was very interested in learning more about saddles and fitting.

  4. Thanks, everyone. Glad I can offer some helpful advice, and glad you enjoy reading my ramblings!
