Friday, January 13, 2012

Lights ... Camera ...

One of the challenges of doing a blog is coming up with new and pertinent content.  Now that I'm starting on my fourth year of blogging (hard to believe it's been that long), I've been cogitating on what I could add that would make things a bit more interesting.  Some of this may stem from the fact that I'm also fairly frustrated, because my camera has been in the repair shop since the beginning of December.  It's finally on its way back as I write this, but I'm feeling as though things have been a bit stagnant without the visuals; hunting through my photo archives to find just the right photo requires too much time and patience when you're used to being able to "just SHOOT it".  So I'm primed for shaking things up a bit.

Here's the plan:  since my husband is a videographer and production facilitator at GNAT-TV, our local public access station - and since I have his hand prints all over my back from the pushing he's been doing! - I'm thinking of adding some videos.  Now, the question for all of YOU is:  what would you like to see?  I have some ideas (still rather vague and nebulous, to the hubby's chagrin) and I know what I find interesting, but I'd really like to get input from you folks.  Please let me know by posting your comments here; something you write may spark an idea for someone else.

"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille ..."


  1. Please, please do a video showing how to actual "do" tracings ... how to make that silly wire actually accomplish what it is supposed to do!

    Thank you

  2. I love coming to your blog to read about how saddles fit correctly. Your last post about billets and the girth spot was especially helpful. A video going in depth or just showing this stuff would be extremely helpful.
    Would LOVE to see what a normal "saddle spot" vs a bad "dry spot" looks like.
    Would LOVE to see how to do tracings
    Would love to see more on the fitting differences of different saddle shapes.

  3. Video of you actually doing a fitting with an obviously ill-fitting saddle, then an ideal saddle. Being able to walk around the horse, pointing at the things one should look for would be invaluable to me.

  4. Love to read about how you do actual fittings on the horses! Photos with pointers as where the fitting is having a problem, where it fits well, it's great!
    For people like me where there are hardly any horse people around, let along good/professional saddle fitters, the more the information the better. I'm in a fitting situation right now, and am looking through your old posts.

  5. Hi Kitt, not video related, but if you haven't done one already I'd love to see a post about girths. Which ones you prefer, which ones suit different shaped horses, etc. If you have already done one I apologise for being too lazy to find it!

  6. A video showing what a well fitting saddle should look like, both with the rider and without and things to look for. Proper placement of the saddle would be handy too :) Pictures are great, but sometimes video can add that extra touch that makes you go "oh! /that's/ what they mean"

    Thanks for the great blog!

  7. Thanks for the ideas and input, everyone - this is very helpful to me. And Emma, good idea about the girths!

  8. So often you mention saddles that have not had good maintenance - not enough cleaning, too much oiling etc. Maybe a basic maintenance video, along with how to clean around the buttons and seams without digging too hard or leaving dirt/soap/whatever.

